Monday, August 31, 2009


Estoy muy enferma. Mi cuarto huele a miel.

I am very sick. My room smells like honey.

I would love your prayers please. The doctor said she thinks it's a stomach infection (I don't really know what that's supposed to mean?) but since I'm not the type to throw up, I imagine I probably won't be doing that much more. I haven't eaten anything still today, but I've been drinking squeezed lime juice with water and honey heated up, I'm at about 10oz so far today, plus another bunch of water (almost 30 oz probably), just sipping a little at a time).
I am probably not going to my night class at 5, I just don't see that happening. Hopefully I'll be all better (and done homework) for my classes tomorrow morning.
I love you all, thanks again.


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