Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Tandem and Tarea

Today I worked on this huge literature homework project thing that was assigned on a whim a week ago and it was a big pain in the butt (excuse my English). I was not interested in doing it at all, although I understand the value, it just was not fun at all. Liz and I cooked lunch - Liz cooked pasta and I made my homemade cheese/cream sauce which I make up every time but that is quite good no matter what (I throw in a little of every kind of dairy, a lot of cheese, pepper, salt and fresh garlic), and I also made steamed broccoli with roasted salted peanuts (the best way to add something to steamed broccoli, I'm a 100% supporter of this idea). Yeah, it was a good lunch. Then Liz and I went to a Bible study tonight that meets on campus, that was cool, and it was good to meet more Christians on campus that I haven't seen/met yet. Then at 7:30 we went to a meeting called "Tandem" which was basically a group that met up once to pair people up from Mexico and international students and have them practice languages. I was scared. I was so unsure about finding someone cool but the guy that came up to me towards then end (we were like in 2 circles and I stood still while Mexicans moved around - sorry if that made no sense) asked me if I liked sports and I was like, uh, and I showed him my paper that had stuff written on it that I liked and he was like oh you like swimming and I was like yeah, I do. I looked at his paper and he had all these sports listed that he liked to watch/play and I asked him if he liked American football and he said yes, and I said what's your team? and he said....
the (fricking) Dallas Cowboys and so I said, I'm sorry I don't think we can be partners and he asked me why not? and I said I'm a steelers fan. He was like, oh, well I think you can forgive me right? I was like well maybe. Then he looked at the rest of my list and he was like, you like playing games!?!?! I love playing games and I was like okay, fine, we can be partners haha. I also would like to note that the last thing he had on his list was "Being a clown" (not like a jokester, a real clown, I'm pretty sure he dresses up in a clown suit, guys - hahahaha). So yeah, I talked to him a bit and it even turns out that he goes to the Casa Verde (the youth group/ministry that I go to) and he and I are going to meet up there tomorrow and eat lunch together and play games. He also told me that a bunch of the Americans go over to the football field afterwards and play flag football and invited me to play, so Liz and I decided we would go. I also invited Caleb and Matt (the oldest of the missionary kids) to come play because they're jocks so they'd like that and Matt was like, YEAH duh, haha so that's cool. I'm excited. Plus Liz and I get to go white water rafting with them this weekend, which is totally father (okay that's got to be explained later). Also! Mr. Basile (missionary dad) told us that there is like a 15ft waterfall that we get to go over in the rafts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SO FRIGGIN EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!! I want the brothers in my boat though, or at least Matt, I'm scared but it will be so cool haha. I need to know there's someone in there that would literally push me over the edge if I tried to chicken out haha.

So yeah, I'm pretty psyched about life, mostly because I haven't been thinking about how I haven't read for tomorrow yet (heh) but I hear that no one has, so that's alright I guess lol.

Well, I should go. I wanted to talk to Pat tonight (I hope he gets on) and then I want to read my book (The Secret Life of Bees - it's the first time I have ever read a book twice that I can remember, both times being for fun) I started it about 3 days ago and I am 226 pages into it already. Just imagine how late I have been going to sleep...heh...

Also - How father is that - Here they use the word "Padre" (father) to mean cool. Qué Padre! is like saying, that's so cool! I just think it's funny. I like transliterating idioms because it makes no sense and it's fun.

Good night and lots of love,

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