Saturday, August 8, 2009

La primera semana - The First Week

Wow! I cannot even believe that the first week has gone by this fast! It's crazy!!! I met lots of new people and have many new friends (and a few old ones too). I am having tons of fun, and this whole first week people have been going out to different places every night. Somehow or other I end up going along and sometimes it's fun and sometimes it isn't.

I went to a club the other night and that was interesting, but I found out there are tons of rules in the dormitories that they never told us about (and never even gave us a link or anything to find out about the handbooks or whatever that go along with these rules). I intend to write a letter to someone complaining about this.
I also scheduled all of my courses (that was great). I have lots of questions about money though, because UDLA (my school) keeps telling us we have to pay for this thing and that thing (like printing, we have to pay for each page ahead of time - weird, right?), but Eastern is paying for stuff, so they're supposed to bill Eastern not me, so yeah, I don't know I'll have to talk to people about stuff. that comes later.

Classes start Monday - WOW! I'm a little nervous. I have my first course at 10am on monday and then also a night class on monday about the European Union (a four hundred level international relations course with all mexicans - YIKES!!!!!!!!). But I mean, we'll see.
Oral Translation is actually the class I am most worried about because oral translation is friggin hard. Luckily I don't have that until Tuesday. On the bright-side, due to my beautiful schedule, I don't have any classes on Friday, which means Thursday at 12:45 until Monday at 10 am I get a weekend. That's a sweet thing for going on trips and stuff, if I want. YAY!
I don't know what all I am going to end up doing but tonight I think I'm going out with some people somewhere. Who knows? It should be fun though.
I ate a plum and need to floss, and then probably maquillarme. So I'll get going, but thanks for reading up on my life ;)

Lots of love,

p.s. as always feel free to email me or skype me anytime!<3

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